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The presidential elections for the United States of America were held today, and as I write this late in the evening they have just announced President Obama has been elected to remain in office for another four years. Though the president doesn't have much of an effect on tourism to the U.S., those currently traveling in the United States by car rental are likely surrounded with the news. Here is a look at a few highlights you might have missed alongside the presidential elections.
Before it could all be said and done more than a few voting machines were flagged by citizens as being faulty. One article pointed out how easy it would be to hack the voting machines, enabling anyone with the know-how and a few dollars in parts from radio shack to have more than their fair say in who was president. One voter even took a great video of how an inconvenient glitch on their machine was only allowing a selection for the Republican candidate.
Though I gather the newly elected Tammy Baldwin went out of her way not to make a big deal out of being gay, she has made History as the first openly gay U.S. senator. Travelers in the United States by car rental can now add this human rights achievement (along with its famous cheese, dairy cows, and... what else is in Wisconsin?) to the reasons why you would make a stop in Wisconsin during your tour.
If you happen to be traveling in the United States by car hire right now and you have a cell phone you can actually sign up to receive a text from NASA when the space station will be visible where you are. The third brightest object in the sky (after the sun and moon) it may be nice to know what that light is as you stare up into the heavens, pondering the future of America after the elections.