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Though most travelers these days are looking for the most affordable accommodations and the cheapest car rental that can transport their family, there are some who aren't affected by tough economic times and are only interested in staying in the finest accommodations possible, no matter where they travel.
Here is a video for the majority, to take a look at the inside of hotel rooms we will most likely never see in real life. A family of five, taking a week vacation, including a 7 seater car hire would probably cost less than just one night in the least expensive hotel listed here. Do you think your family could pick up a car hire from Paris Airport and enjoy the city for an entire week for under $15,500?
I was surprised to see that the number one most expensive hotel room listed here was in Athens, Greece, of all places in the world. If I had to guess I would have said Los Angeles, California, or even Paris, France.
If you happen to have an extra $50,000 for a night at the Royal Villa we can offer you a great deal on a luxury car rental from Athens Airport, although you would probably just fly in on your own private jet.