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Traveling with children is never as easy as traveling alone, though the fun factor might make it worth all the complications. If it were that bad would estate and 7 seater car rentals even be necessary? Their mere existence proves that families can and have been taking road trips by car hire together for generations now, and one can only assume that there were more than a few tantrums along the way. Here are my top tips for surviving pint-sized hysterics during your next trip by car rental.
You're a sensible enough parent; you got your kids as far as a vacation, we assume you feed them regularly. However, it's important to remember when you veer from a regular routine that, even though you may have forgotten your own appetite, itsy-bitsy blood sugar levels might be dropping. Just like reserving a car rental at the airport, plan ahead and have healthy snacks ready for regular intervals of your trip. Staying hydrated is even more important. Little ones who run around and play in the sun need to be regularly reminded to drink water, and a drink of water in mid-tantrum has been known to exhaust the flames. Put simply, water is calming and refreshing and dehydration can cause hysterics.
Utilize the privacy of your car rental when you are in public situations with an explosive child. Enjoy the interior of that spacious seven seater while your child regains composure. Removing the child from the situation and entering this calm and enclosed space with them gives them a chance to reflect.
Hordes of strangers gawking at the spectacle that is your family is not the only motivation to keep your actions and reactions calm during the storm. Beginning with the littlest babies on through the teen years, our children model our behaviors. There is nothing that goes unnoticed. If you have a habit of venting your frustrations you'll want to get those eruptions under wraps, or you're likely to see the same from your kids.